This package aims to make really easy to tidy data retrieved from Gapminder. A the begining is:


When you have loaded the package you are now in possesion of two super powers (functions): tidy_indice and tidy_bunch.


tidy_indice fucntion tidy as explain above tidy a data sheet downloaded on Gapminder. This data sheet can be either in csv or xlsx as indicated on the gapminder site.

tidy_indice take as argument the path to the file and return the data as a tidy data frame.

filepath <- system.file("extdata", "life_expectancy_years.csv", package = "tidygapminder")

#> # A tibble: 40,953 x 3
#>    country      year life_expectancy_years
#>    <chr>       <dbl>                 <dbl>
#>  1 Afghanistan  1800                  28.2
#>  2 Afghanistan  1801                  28.2
#>  3 Afghanistan  1802                  28.2
#>  4 Afghanistan  1803                  28.2
#>  5 Afghanistan  1804                  28.2
#>  6 Afghanistan  1805                  28.2
#>  7 Afghanistan  1806                  28.1
#>  8 Afghanistan  1807                  28.1
#>  9 Afghanistan  1808                  28.1
#> 10 Afghanistan  1809                  28.1
#> # … with 40,943 more rows


tidy_bunch makes use of tidy_indice to tidy a whole set of data sheets and have the options to merge all data frames into one big data frame with merge set to TRUE:

dir_path <- system.file("extdata", "gapminder", package = "tidygapminder")

tidy_bunch(dir_path, merge = TRUE)
#> We take in only csv, xls or xlsx files
#> # A tibble: 55,462 x 4
#>    country     year aid_received_per_person_… income_per_person_gdppercapita_pp…
#>    <chr>      <dbl>                     <dbl>                              <dbl>
#>  1 Afghanist…  1960                      1.91                                 NA
#>  2 Afghanist…  1961                      3.78                                 NA
#>  3 Afghanist…  1962                      1.81                                 NA
#>  4 Afghanist…  1963                      3.85                                 NA
#>  5 Afghanist…  1964                      4.74                                 NA
#>  6 Afghanist…  1965                      5.43                                 NA
#>  7 Afghanist…  1966                      4.96                                 NA
#>  8 Afghanist…  1967                      3.91                                 NA
#>  9 Afghanist…  1968                      2.76                                 NA
#> 10 Afghanist…  1969                      2.51                                 NA
#> # … with 55,452 more rows
